Here is my latest unit fresh off the painting table - the Third Confederate Infantry Regiment. They started as the 18th AR infantry but were soon re-designated as the 3rd Conf. Infantry. They fought in the Western Theater and I've painted them as they might have looked as part of Cleburne's division at the Battle of Franklin in 1864.
These are "old School" 25mm Frontier Miniatures figures. I used to live near where they cast these wonderful figures and I am somewhat nostalgic about them. I remember going to Modelers Mart in Tampa, Florida and watching while they cast these to order. They were great figures back in the 80's, but not so much by today's standards. I have a lot of great gaming memories painting and playing with these figures, and I regret not buying more when they were easily available. Now I troll the halls of eBay looking for them!
I think a lot of people feel the way about certain types of old figure ranges. I few of my friends really hold dear their old 25mm Napoleonic Mini-fig figures and another still loves his old Peter Gilder 25mm Connoisseur figures. They do have a certain charm! Any old ranges that you still hold a special place for you?
Cheers - Cory
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25mm Frontier ACW - the Third Confederate Infantry |