Well, my painting table probably looks a lot like the "typical gamers"...I usually have 3-4 different projects going on at once! I don't have any new painted units to share, but here's what I've been staying busy working on:
* A 28mm, 20 figure, western Federal Dixon ACW unit for "Johnny Reb". I've been eying the Sash and Saber figures lately and I plan on adding some of them to my collection soon.
* A gang of Dixon Wild West figures for Dead Man's Hand. Dixon still sets the standard Wild West figures!
* A unit of 10mm Games Workshop Elven bowmen for Warmaster. I've only played a couple games, but my friend Chris has a bunch of Warmaster armies and I'm building a High-Elf army to play some more games against him. These are the little, black primed guys in back!
* A bunch of 25mm Knuckleduster Gunfighter figures I picked up at Nashcon. This is a great little company! They make wonderful 25mm Western figures and 25mm War of 1812 figures (and a few other ranges).
Here's a link to their webpage:
The chaos on my painting table! What are you painting? |
A close up of the primed Knuckleduster figures. I really like the look of these guys. I see a few familiar movie characters in this crew! |
Take care and good gaming! - Cory