Sunday, December 2, 2012

More ACW figures

28mm ACW
I've been extremely busy at work lately,and haven't had much time for bloging, but I wanted to share some of my recent projects. I painted two new 28mm Dixon ACW regiments, the 183 Ohio
and the 24th Tennessee. Here are a few pics:
A Wargames Foundry (Perry) "foot sore" Federal. The figure
was painted some years ago, but I rebased him on an improved base,
that ties in with my fences and other terrain.

The 24th TN. These lads fought at the Battle of Franklin. I'm continuing to
paint for this OOB. I hope to have a "Battle of Franklin" blog article out soon. Stay posted!
A close up of the 183rd OH

The 183 Ohio. These are 28mm Dixon figures. This unit also fought at
the Battle of Franklin - Nov. 1864.




  1. A great looking unit Cory, nice hats too!

  2. They look superb Cory, really like the foot sore soldier; a wonderful character.

  3. Both great units and that background is really working!


  4. I am trying to work out if that is a photo backdrop or if you have actually taken the pictures outside? Very impressive set of photo's.

  5. Thanks guys! I always enjoy your feedback and comments!
    I took the pictures outside, at a very low level to the ground, so that
    It looked like a backdrop. I think it turned out ok.
